Saturday, October 07, 2006

Here's my question

Here's my question. How do you feel about the current campaigns.

Jerry Abramson has no threats and he's been running the standard 'feel good' stuff. Fine.

Richard Lugar, same thing. Great.

Baron Hill and Mike Sodrel. Give me a break. Who else is running?

Anne Northrup and John Yarmuth. She's running her usual attack and smear ads. Grainy photos, comments out of context, etc. Standard stuff. It's worked for her. Funny thing is that she has pretty much avoided any discussion of policy.

Yarmuth is interesting. He seems to be egging her on to discuss issues. She won't bite. We'll see how mean he choooses to get.


Anonymous said...

There is a God.
The nation has definitely made a statement against the war in Iraq and that corruption in Washington has to cease.

John Manzo said...

For sure.