Saturday, May 03, 2008

Cheap Gestures or Substance

I feel something like a grinch writing this and I certainly love receiving checks in the mail and paying lower prices, but I've been wondering.

We are soon going to be getting our checks from the government to help boost the economy. Two of the Presidential Candidates are proposing eliminating the federal sales tax off of gasoline for the summer to lower prices on gas for people to travel.

Again, it's not that I don't love getting money and paying lower prices, but I'm troubled that these just might be cheap gestures and have no real substance to them.

And why do people seem to delight in what I perceive to be cheap gestures?


Ring Master 4545 said...

I'll agree that the gas tax thing is a cheap gesture. Eliminating the Federal gas tax for the "Summer" for most families will amount to less than $150. However, it "sounds" better than it really is. The rebates, though, will give a family of five about $2100. This is REAL folding money families can use to get caught up on their mortgages, buy new furniture, put a down payment on a new car, put a down payment on a house, etc. Don't dismiss these things. The rebate is a BIG thing or real substance.

Where the money comes from and the long term consequences are another thing. You may have an argument against the rebates on these grounds, but please wait until I get my check to do so.

@ said...

My problem with the rebate is where it comes from. Why are we selling ourselves to China?!! When I found out we were getting these checks I thanked my 16 year old son and told him he better learn Chinese. What really up-set me though was the huge chunk that was borrowed just so they could send us all a letter telling us we were going to get a check. They could have saved that money and just surprised us. Just imagine the joy you would feel when you went to the mail box and found a $600 ($900, $1200, etc.) check in the mail. There would be much rejoicing; almost like when the manna fell from heaven.

Christine said...

Show off. At least you're getting a check. Me, who could now use it the most, is not getting squat.

Oh, and to the anonymous poster - complain all you want, but I can guarantee that you'll be cashing that check while you kavetch.

Ring Master 4545 said...

Christine, your trophy is on the way via FedEx for your win as the "Most Deserving Person in America." Congratulations!