Monday, February 09, 2009

With Apologies to Katie Couric

I have to apologize to Katie Couric.

Some time back Katie did an interview with Alex Rodriquez and I felt like she had done a poor job. Her questions struck me as trite and obvious and I found very little to like about her interview with her.

I have to further apologize to Katie. Of the three major network anchors my favorite is Charlie Gibson and my least favorite has been Katie. To be quite honest and blunt, I felt Katie lacked the gravitas for the position. I had actually grown weary of her on "Today" and I felt that the step to the CBS Evening News was a bad step----for CBS.

But, my apologies to Katie, she has proven me to be wrong and proven that she does have the gravitas for this.

When Katie interviewed Sarah Palin Katie demonstrated that there were two women in the room; one with gravitas and one who thought gravitas was gravy in a French Restaurant. Couric turned Palin into something of a fricassee and Palin's candidacy became little more than fodder for "Saturday Night Live."

But, in the process of making a short story long, where Katie really has demonstrated something was her interview with A-Rod in 2007. To put it bluntly, she nailed is sorry behind to the wall:

For the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance?" Couric asked.

"No," Rodriguez replied.

Asked if he had ever been tempted to use any of those things, Rodriguez told Couric, "No."

"You never felt like, 'This guy's doing it, maybe I should look into this, too? He's getting better numbers, playing better ball,'" Couric asked.

"I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I've always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level. So, no," he replied.

Now it turns out that A-Rod not only was tempted, but he did use steroids in 2003. Katie nailed him.

So, Katie, accept this apology from me! I still like Charlie Gibson the best, but you are certainly playing in the right league.

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