Thursday, May 12, 2011

Random Thoughts

It's always fun coming back to work after being away. Graduation and moving my daughter to Cleveland was exciting, fun, sad, and exhausting all in one. I have a bunch of random thoughts.

Newt Gingrich tossed in his hat to run for President. I think there are two groups of people seeking to get the Republican nomination, at least in theory:

The jokers. Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Sara Palin, and Newt all fall into this category. For all of them there are serious character issues, most especially in terms of honesty. Frankly, the more time, energy, and money focused on them is good for President Obama.

The really serious people. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and potentially Mitch Daniels. I may not agree with them but these are serious people who have good character and actually have leadership skills. They also have a history of honesty.

I pretty much dismiss Rick Santorum who has the charm of a gila monster, but I am intrigued, always, but Ron Paul. His is a wile card as I don't consider him to be a major player in getting the nomination but I do see him as a person who may actually help focus the agenda on real items.

A part of me, by the way, thinks either Trump, Palin, or both will run as a third or fourth party candidate.

I am becoming short tempered over the feuding over which President deserves the credit for getting Bin Laden.

First, off, between Intelligence and the Navy Seals, that is who 'got' Bin Laden. President Obama gave the order. Would President Bush have given the order? Of course. I have no reason to believe otherwise. End of story.

Thinking about parenting. You are a successful parent, it seems, when your children grow up and leave home and begin to make their own mark on the world. I'm proud of both of my daughters because they are doing this right now. It does make me sad, however, because I miss having two little girls in my house. It is a reminder how fast life flies by...

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