Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is Not to be Believed

Bishop Richard Williamson of England just had his excommunication lifted by Pope Benedict in Rome. Williamson is a member of the Society of Pius X, a group that has resisted any change in the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. This is a group that has ordained its own Bishops and priests to maintain the ‘traditional Catholicism,’ that changed after Vatican II in the early 1960's. Four bishops had been excommunicated, including Williamson, and now that has been lifted.

Whether this is a good idea or not, is not my business. Having parted company with the Roman Catholic Church over 25 years ago I do not feel like I have a great deal of input on this decision.

I am, however, appalled about Williamson. I am including a link to an interview he gave about Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and the gas chambers. He believes that the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of 300,000 Jewish people during World War II and that 6,000,000 figure is wrong. Additionally he believes that there was no usage of gas chambers. His explanation of this, using logic and reason, as he states, is beyond the pale.

His theological views are his theological views and he is entitled to them. He is not, however, entitled to views of history that deny basic facts. The Holocaust was not made up, it was not over played, it was not an illusion, it was real.

When the United States Army entered Nazi concentration camps and word got back to the American High Command, then General Dwight Eisenhower issued an order. He ordered that an abundance of pictures and videos be taken and that the records be preserved. He was not being ghoulish. He was being incredibly wise. He believed that there would come a day when people would deny the atrocities ever took place. He predicted that fools like Richard Williamson would come along an attempt to discredit stories of the Holocaust.

It is interesting to note, in addition to this, that the Nazis kept amazingly detailed records. They did not believe they were doing wrong. As difficult as this is to believe, they believed that they were doing the right thing and were proud of what they were doing. As a result they kept amazing records. They assured that their atrocities would be remembered for the ages.

Then people like Williamson come along and deny it took place.

This man, regardless of his education, regardless of his ordination, regardless of his rank, does not speak for God. Williamson is, frankly, a sad excuse for a member of the clergy. This pathetic display of historic revision is revolting and profound frightening. He is not shading around the edges. He is denying a fact. And blaming that denial on logic. He is very clear that he is not using emotion.

This is a great example of how bad logic can be if you deny facts. You can reason yourself to any position on anything if you are willing to overlook facts. You can really go to town if you simply deny facts. The limits of your logic can go anywhere sans facts.

It is also an example of what happens when a person chooses to have no emotion and no heart for others. To deny 6,000,000 people is an act of heartlessness that knows no bounds.

This is a story that needs to be shared. People like Richard Williamson do not speak for Christ, to not represent Christianity in any way shape or form. Shout it from the housetops.

I do not know who and what he represents or wants to represent, but he does not speak as a servant of Christ. To believe that he speaks God’s Word to the world is in and of itself, an atrocity.


Daniel Short said...

Spot on Mr. Manzo, although it does beg the question...Does Mr. Williamson deny the nearly One Hundred Million babies that have been aborted also?

Coop said...

Great piece John. We don’t agree on very much theologically but when we do agree, we do!!

John Manzo said...

I suspect Williamson is anti-abortion. And, sadly, like so many, he believes because he's opposed to abortion it gives him the 'right' to create the charade that he's pro-life. He obviously is not pro-life.