The hopes of Chrysler seem to all rest on Fiat. I’ve known people who have owned Fiats over the years. I have owned cars made by the Chrysler corporation and have sworn, never again because of their incredible lack of reliability. People who have owned Fiats generally swore at their Fiats because they did EARN the nickname, “Fix It All the Time.” Sounds like a match made in Heaven...
I’m still trying to figure out the tea bag day. They were protesting taxation and my taxes went down. So, this was a protest that their taxes went down? I’m still mystified by the whole thing. One Englishman said that he was highly insulted as King George was a much better oppressor than Barack Obama. The original tea party was about taxation without representation; this one was about lower taxes and our people lost the election. I'm still trying to figure this one out.
There is rampant speculation as to the love life and virginity of Miley Cyrus. I mean, this is a news story? This ranks even lower than tea bag rallies.
The two New York baseball teams play a massive amount of money to a bunch of players who are great at losing. The high priced players don’t always produce great teams. Speaking of New York teams, the New York Jets who last one a big game was in 1969 have gotten most of the New York news media these days. We Giants fans like it this way.
Prediction: Brett Favre will sign with the Vikings.
Prediction #2: The Vikings will sell a lot of tickets and regret this. He is 40 years old with a sore arm...
Elizabeth Edwards is breaking her silence and pretty much telling us what we already knew. She is married to a skunk. I used to like John Edwards a great deal. I have long since gotten over it. For her part, she's dealing with a terminal illness and children and she comes to realize that she's married to a guy who not only cheated by has the significant chance to be the father of another child.
I do appreciate that Arlen Specter was at least honest that he became a Democrat for selfish reasons. Actually, he started out as a Democrat and became a Republican for selfish reasons. The ideological purists in the Republican Party were happy to see him go and have invited others to leave as well. This kind of strategic thinking served Custer well too.
I somehow wish that judges were not Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. The concept of the blind justice holding the scales and political ideology, at least to me, to be mutually exclusive. I understand that I am being naive about this but this bothers me a great deal.
Stephen Baldwin has been repeatedly saying, "I believe that my not being able to express my traditional Christian values and views regarding marriage is a hate crime against me.” He decries this as religious persecution. He’s been on virtually every television channel decreeing the fact that he’s being silenced and persecuted for his beliefs and expressing his views on traditional Christian marriage, which, of course, is a husband owns his wife and has complete control over every thought and action she does. In Biblical times, the time he wants us to go back to, marriage was a legal contract of a man owning a woman. She had no rights. He could abuse her, beat her up, and even kill her with no legal ramifications. Of course, he’s been on television repeatedly telling us about his traditional Christian values and such, so I’m wondering where the hate crime stuff is. I wonder what his view of tea bag day was.
It’s funny that after Barack Obama’s first 100 days people who like him thought he was the greatest thing since slice bread and the people who don’t like him thought he was the worst thing since someone determined that brussels sprouts were edible. The fact of life, however, is that 100 days into a Presidency gives us very little to base judgments, good or bad.
Ann Coulter was speaking the other day about Bristol Palin and her baby, etc. Bristol Palin's baby is not Ann Coulter's business nor anyone else's.
I'm thinking that betting on the penal league team that has Vick throwing to Burress may be a good bet.
I'm realizing that I am aging. When I was a child I saw a football game between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills led by their start quarterback, Jack Kemp. Kemp, of course, went into politics and eventually ran as Bob Dole's running mate. Jack Kemp was one of those guys who was in the mold of Hubert Humphrey, a happy warrior. Kemp was a person who you might have disagreed with politically, I certainly did, but he was also a person who cared for those less fortunate than he was. He truly did seek to help others. Whether one agreed or disagreed with, Kemp was truly a fine person.
I love these "random thoughts" posts, so many good points made!
Actually, I recall from the NT that Christ commanded a husband to love his wife. I'm confused that a Pastor would think traditional marriage is not good and God-ordained or perhaps I misunderstand your remarks...
Actually, it was St. Paul who said that because it was not a tradition for husbands to love their wives. Marriage, at that time, was a legal process of property ownership as the women had no rights.
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