Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A Heartless Veto

President Bush vetoed a bill that would have expanded health care coverage to millions of children. We have a national health care crisis and many people saw this as one small step in a positive direction. He, of course, vetoed this bill behind closed doors away from any witnesses. It's the kind of thing you do when you do something you know, deep in your heart, is wrong.

George W. Bush professes to be a Christian. Jesus' primary teachings were about:

Aiding the poor: George W. Bush does quite the contrary.

Demonstrating compassion: His vetoes have been mostly against health care initiatives attempting to heal people. His administrations policies cutting benefits for military veterans and his response to Katrina ought to challenge his compassion.

A respect for all of God's people: His cavalier attitude towards the death penalty and soldiers fighting in an injust war indicate otherwise.

This was a heartless veto.

Sadly, Rep. Baron Hill is supporting President Bush on this.

My only hope is that Congress finds the votes, including Rep. Hill's to override this incredibly heartless and immoral veto.

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