Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Bill Walsh died. Bill Walsh was truly a great football coach. His work with the San Francisco 49'ers and the building of the West Coast Offense was innovative and effective. His coaching and his abilities transformed the NFL.

What concerns me is that he is labeled a 'genius.'

Bill Walsh was very smart, very capable, etc. Despite the fact that his team was often matched against my team, I appreciated his great coaching ability. But genius?

Albert Einstein was a genius. He transformed math and his brilliance was and is legend.

Thomas Edison was a genius. Whenever we go to the movies, listen to music, turn on a light bulb, or wrap something in wax paper, we participate in the genius of Thomas Edison.

I marvel at the many geniuses in the world of medicine and science.

I'll even go as far to say that J K Rowling is a genius. It is rare to watch a set of classic literature come into being and a generation recognize it. And, frankly, the way she laid out a story, created an entirely new reality in her novels, and pulled things together is brilliant.

As much as I love football, and I do love football, and as much as I appreciate excellent and creative coaching, it is not the world of genius. Geniuses change the world and change lives, they don't change football games.

Bill Walsh was a very creative and outstanding football coach and he did impact the game. But let's get a way from the genius label and honor him for what he was. A great coach.

1 comment:

The New Albanian said...

Ingmar Bergman, on the other hand ...